Thursday, May 19, 2011

Those Who Can't Do ... Need to Shut Up.

By "Those Who Can't Do" I mean, those people who are so used to just TALKING, that they really can't DO anything but talk talk talk...

Yes that's right, I said it. The title of this post is directed specifically at those people who like to turn an awareness campaign or any type of charity/fundraising event into, "That's a waste of time and money! People are dying of AIDs in Africa". ... Yes, people are dying of AIDs in Africa.
Let me make it clear that one awareness campaign, one charity or fundraiser DOES NOT trump over another.

For example, I looked at some of the mentions that @SlutWalkTO was receiving on Twitter. One person wrote how those involved with Slut Walk are basically "complaining" about nothing, and that their efforts could be more beneficial to "real" issues such as homelessness in Toronto.

Well, yes, there are homeless people in Toronto. But since when are we having a competition on which issue to tackle? Are women's issues not an issue?
What has happened to people that they look at rape, sexual assault or sexual harassment and say, "Put that on the back burner, we got bigger fish to fry".

Yes, some issues are more severe. Some issues are more attended to, supported, funded etc. But whether one chooses to advocate for children with special needs or donate their time for the CIBC Breast Cancer Walk is entirely up to that person.

Who it is DEFINITELY NOT up to is the person who is just talking.
Talking about how so-and-so awareness campaign is getting too much attention while AIDs in Africa or homelessness is not getting enough.
Talking talking talking... but really... are they DOING anything?

Yes, there are so many issues in this world whether it is social, physical, psychological ... you name it.
But what you choose to support is up to you and just because it isn't an global issue, or an issue that people aren't familiar with, it doesn't make it any less important than the next one.

And to those of you that think donating $5 per year to a charity is "advocacy", it's not. It's support, but please... don't call yourself advocates. It takes more than your money.
To those that sit and TALK about how people aren't doing enough, or so-and-so is not being done right... Well, what are you doing about it?

If you have the time to generate senseless and uneducated guesses about what is going on in the world, you DEFINITELY have the time to pick up some cases of water and haul it to your nearest awareness campaign.

And to those you can't...won't... don't want to DO:
Need to shut up.

That is all.

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