Sunday, June 19, 2011

Cuz HE Said So

The Best Father In The World

You know how when you were little, you thought your dad was the strongest man in the whole world?

Well mine is.

When I was in high school, one of the socially awkward guys in my grade commented that my dad looked like he was a part of some Asian Mafia.

He's actually the man that always greets you with a smile and last to say goodbye. His jokes aren't always funny, but you laugh because you know.. he's trying...

My father was never a stranger to determination, hard work and sacrifice. 
A man that ensured my brother and I had everything we needed and wanted without worrying about the price. 

He never asks for much either. He never expects gifts on Christmas or his birthday and never wants to celebrate. 
For a great while, I thought he was anti-social. I thought he was overbearing, overthinking and just all around work-a-holic. 

It wasn't until I was in my early 20s that I realized what he is all about. 

There are a few things my dad has said to me that I won't forget. 

5 years ago, it was, "Don't look at boys. Boys are bad. And stupid. They lie, cheat and steal your car"
Now it's, "When are you getting married?"

But one of the things he said to me that I took to heart was, "When you feel tired and exhausted from school or work or whatever, just think about me".
At the time, I thought it meant, "Think about how much I'm gonna kick your ass if you drop out of school".

I realized that it meant, remember how hard he works and how many sacrifices he made. Compared to what he has given up, me giving up a few hours of sleep to do some extra studying is NOTHING.

Compared to what he has done for me and my brother, how many aches, pains and colds he has endured working 365 days a week (seriously, he doesn't take a day off), me working some extra hours at work is NOTHING.

The days of him struggling to walk up the stairs and rubbing his feet after standing all day at work... The days of him falling asleep sitting up and eating while driving because he didn't have time to sit and have a meal... That's what he meant.

I regret not realizing the lessons he was trying to teach me earlier in my time... 

But I know them now. And I'll do it. Cuz he said so.

Happy Father's Day Dad :)

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