Thursday, December 1, 2011

Gay Parents CAN Parent

I don't think anyone can argue with me when I say that the sexual orientation of any individual is NOT a determinant of how successful they can be as parents. To argue that a gay couple cannot provide a child with above adequate love, nurture and other necessities is a weak argument based solely on a social division, and has no convincing premise. 
To say that two people cannot marry because they don't fit the normal grouping of two people of the opposite sex is exercising the authoritative domination of the privileged group.
Zach Wahl, a student at the University of Iowa and business owner was raised by two women who married a few years ago. He was born through artificial insemination, as well as his sister (from the same donour) and therefore are both biologically siblings. 

He presents his case in Iowa here**:

Being in the field of social services, I have seen countless parents that identify as "heterosexual" make the wrong choices. I avoid calling them "mistakes" as I don't consider their actions accidental. Leaving a child home alone because you couldn't find a sitter while you were out with friends drinking is hardly a mistake now is it...?
But they were allowed to marry, and allowed to have children with no stigma or discrimination attached. Yet, what would be the court's explanation for their lack of judgement on child rearing since they're heterosexual? Don't have one? ... Well that just confirms my argument :)

The wrong choices were made because they were unfit parents, people I consider that weren't ready to have children, but happily collected the cheques. 

The bottom line is: Straight, bisexual, homosexual, black, white, purple... none of these identify with "the best parent" or "the best married couple".
As Wahl states, the sexual orientation of his parents does not have any impact on the content of his character.

Well said Wahl.


**Thank you to my friend Diane for bringing this to my attention

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